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City of Duluth Communications Office
Mayor Roger J. Reinert
411 West First Street • Duluth, Minnesota 55802 •
For more information, please call 218-730-5309
DATE: 2/21/2017
SUBJECT: Historic Neighborhood Survey Taking Place in Lincoln Park, Public Meeting Planned for February 28
BY: Pakou Ly, Communications Office

Historic Neighborhood Survey Taking Place in Lincoln Park, Public Meeting Planned for February 28



[Duluth, MN] - On Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 2:00 pm, the City of Duluth Planning division will host a public meeting to present information about a historic neighborhood survey to take place in Lincoln Park. Consultants from Summit Envirosolutions will be giving a presentation and answering questions about the survey work done to date, which has included research and a field survey, and will address additional work planned.


The Public Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Historic Preservation Commission’s regular monthly meeting at 2:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers, 411 West First Street.


The survey area includes commercial and residential properties and is centered around the main commercial area along West Superior Street. A historic survey can helpful to determine the eligibility of properties for historic designation. Each property in the study area will be surveyed and inventory forms created for each one. A draft survey document is expected later this spring


The survey work is funded in part by the Certified Local Government (CLG) program of the Minnesota Historical Society and the City of Duluth. The Historic Preservation Committee’s work and agenda is available at


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